Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dad's stamps

For years my father's boyhood stamp collection remained tucked away at the the family house. After my wife expressed an interest, we dug out the stamps. Here is a small sample of what we found.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dave Brubeck 1920 - 2012

Dave Brubeck passed away last week, he was 91. I know Brubeck best for his album Time Out. I have listened to the album many times finding it imaginative and exciting. Take Five, probably the most well known track, plays with a magical sound grabbing the listeners and taking them for a ride.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mahogany, Cedar and Edgar Mosa

The Mountain #1 by Edgar Mosa

Last week I saw a lecture by Edgar Mosa. What I enjoyed most about the lecture was Edgar's honesty. He spoke very candidly about the struggles of earning a living as an artist, having to compromise ones work in order to pay bills. It is a problem all young artists face but few like to talk about.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Martin Kippenberger

Photo by Elfie Semotan

For the past few weeks I have been reading “Kippenberger The Artist and His Family.” The book is written by Martin’s sister Susanne Kippenberger. It has been a very enjoyable read and although I am not finished I wanted to share a quote of Martin’s.

Speaking of books:
“I use every means I can to make something that will last, that will speak for itself. Because I think that before I get the other kinds of ‘recognition,’ like hanging in a museum,’ I’d need to see the museum directors hanging in a museum. And that won’t happen.”

I have also found a strong affinity for printed material: books, pamphlets, brochures, post cards. Unlike an exhibition that has an end date, these materials will last and reach wide audiences.